2652 Brenner Dr. Dallas, TX 75220
Mon-Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
2652 Brenner Dr. Dallas, TX 75220
Mon-Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Over 42 Years Experience
Experienced and Reliable Electrical Contractors

Bob Owens Electric has been providing quality electrical service for Residential and Commercial since 1982.

We are fully licensed and insured. We are proud of our reputation and protect it the only way we know how-- by providing quality workmanship, knowledgeable electricians, and staying committed to our customers.

All the materials we use are UL approved and meets or exceeds the National Electrical Codes requirements.


Skilled & Certified Electricians

Professional Services

Our highly trained staff will provide you the design and implementation you need, with the quality, integrity, and professionalism you deserve.

Our clients deserve the highest value for their money. It's a simple fact: Doing the job right the first time always costs less than doing it twice.

We value a positive attitude, reliability and good qualifications in our employees. Nothing is more important than knowing our employees treat every client with courtesy and respect.

Our dedicated employees at Bob Owens Electric, have acquired the reputation for integrity, and high quality work.


Safety is one of our most important concerns. Our Electricians are knowledgeable of electrical codes and are proficient in safe working practices.

Safety training starts on the first day of employment and is continuously enhanced from that day forward.

Safety training starts on the first day of employment and is continuously enhanced from that day forward.

Bob Owens is your single source for a complete range of high-quality electrical services, including design/build, engineering and maintenance

Do you Need Help
With Electrical

Our electrical repair and service options are proudly offered to clients. Give us a call today to schedule a free service estimate!

Our Team
Fully Qualified Electricians
All our personnel operate within an Integrated Management System to ensure the delivery of services that are at an exception level of quality, reliability, and value